Pre-Construction (sort-of) Meeting

Most builders will either require or offer to hold a pre-construction (PRE-CON) meeting before they begin construction. DR Horton apparently does not require these meetings, but they will conduct them if requested by a buyer. So we asked for a meeting. After waiting so long for a permit, the folks at DRH were chomping at the bit to start construction. They started digging the day the permit was issued. The foundation was poured within a few days and the well was dug at the same time. We happened to be out of town, so the pre-construction meeting needed to wait until we were back. That was OK with us since it gave us more to talk about when the meeting did happen. It's About Communications The reason to have a pre-construction meeting is to ensure buyer and builder are completely in sync. This is important since virtually every project has unique aspects that must be accommodated (location of drains or pipes, etc) and every buyer has certain things they want to request. Another reas...