Solar Panels in our Future?

One thing that has occurred to me is that this roof is absolutely perfect for solar panels. The house faces NNE which means the backside of the house faces SSW which is really the perfect angle. Plus, the design makes for a lot of space for panels. Over the past few years I've noticed more and more homes with solar panels around where we live today. With energy prices as severe as they are, the business case has got to be improving. Fun! Another thing to look into down the road. Another noticeable thing about the roof is that there are very few pipes protruding through it. This is a good thing, since less pipes = less likelihood of leaks down the road. I've noticed in our current house that builders have really caught onto this and minimized vertical protrusions. Most vents now go through the walls. Now that the roof is completed, the large external changes are about to slow down for a while. The focus of the work is shifting inside. We noticed in some other homes that there wa...