Roof Over Our Heads

For the past week I've been going by the house expecting to see a roof in place. There was definitely progress being made, but it was kind of a slow week. Friday came and still no roof. 

 And ... of course .. it rained pretty heavily on Sunday. One last rinsing for the framing I guess.

The framing pieces and sections for most new homes are pre-fabricated at the factory to a large extent. The framing crew unpacks and assembles the pieces according to a plan. Totally cookie-cutter, right? Not exactly.  After watching for nearly two weeks, I've come to appreciate that there are many smaller tasks needed to make the factory pieces into a real home. 

Just preparing for the roof required some extensive staging. Here's a picture of the various roofing pieces spread out for staging:


After a rainy Super-Bowl Sunday, I figured it might be a day or two before work resumed. However, I was apparently wrong. Just a day and a half later, on Tuesday afternoon, I rode my bike to the site and voila - the house has a roof. 

So there you are - our future home for the next 20 years (maybe).I couldn't get inside since people were working. Also, the stairs are not installed yet (they're in the garage).



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