From Green to White

The big news from the past few weeks is that the siding is up! We decided on white siding on all four sides, with white gutters. The house actually came with black gutters, but we felt there wasn't enough additional black in the exterior to make if look good, so we asked to go with white. One of the things that attracted us regarding the elevation w selected is the front porch. It's not that big but it's perfect for an extension either across the next third of the front or around the side. That is one of our highest priority projects - at least at this point. Here are a few more siding pics: Power-washer Heaven! Socks Approves! On the inside, the house if moving along. While were were viewing the outside they were putting in the backsplash. There's also tile work and other odds and ends going on. Master It's been an interesting few weeks during which is has been difficult to get excited about the new house while we are still trying to sell the old ho...