
We went through the final closing process today. It was pretty painless, though there were a lot of signatures. DHI Title organized the whole thing very well. It started with an online signing session when I first got up in the morning. There are a number of documents that need to be signed and the online portion was about 33% of the total. All documents were easy to follow. Then we went to the lot about an hour early to look at the surveyor stakes on Logmill Road. We wanted to see where our property really started and stopped. The stakes are fairly recent and easy to find. Next, we met the Construction Manager, George, at the house to do a final final walk thru. There are still a small number of open items but most issues were addressed since the initial walk thru. The house looked great! There are still a small number of outstanding items - a cabinet door in the master bath needs to be replaced, the driveway and other land keeps settling, and one of the trees l...